- 言われた内容{ないよう}を覚えているほど注意深く聞く
listen carefully enough to remember what is said 意味
- "listen attentively to public opinion" 意味
- "listen attentively to someone's lecture" 意味
- "listen attentively to the radio" 意味
- "listen avidly to" 意味
- "listen carefully" 意味
- "listen carefully out of courtesy" 意味
- "listen carefully to any safety advice one is given" 意味
- "listen close" 意味
- "listen close to the news" 意味
- "listen avidly to" 意味
- "listen carefully" 意味
- "listen carefully out of courtesy" 意味
- "listen carefully to any safety advice one is given" 意味